Databases A-Ö

Terms of use

The library's databases contains material for your own use in study and research purposes. It is allowed to save and download the material. It is not permitted to modify, systematically copy, redistribute or otherwise use the material for commercial purposes. See specific restrictions under each database. Most databases are only for Stockholm University users with a university account. Other library users can access most databases in the library building.



Izvestija Digital Archive

Among the longest-running Russian newspapers, Izvestiia  News) was founded in March 1917 and was during the Soviet period  the official organ of  the USSR.   Izvestija contains news sources of  Russia, covering domestic and foreign policy, commentary, culture, education, and finance.

Abbreviationes online : medieval abbreviations on the Web

Abbreviationes currently comprises over 70,000 entries containing a total of 80,098 references to manuscripts. Abbreviationes is based on a large number of manuscripts from all fields, held at a wide variety of libraries throughout Europe. It includes large collections such as the manuscripts held by the Vatican Library or the libraries at Oxford and Paris as well as many smaller collections. Major collections in the United States, such as the manuscripts held by the Morgan Library (New York City, New York) and the Huntington Library (San Marino, California), are also included. The entries in the database cover the period from the 8th century up to and including the 15th century.

ABI/INFORM Collection

Business, Management and Trade - scholarly and trade journal articles, dissertations, market reports, industry reports, business cases and global and trade news.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Academic search premier

New interface February 4th. Please note that Custom Folders will not be available after that date.

Designed specifically for academic institutions, Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary full text database containing full text for more than 3,100 journals, including nearly 2,700 peer-reviewed titles from 1965 to the present. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 8,500 journals.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Academic Writer

Academic Writer is APA's authoritative solution offering you a complete digital environment for teaching, learning, and writing academic papers. -- Learn: Use the Learning Center to find video quick guides and tutorials to help you get started and refine your research and writing. -- Reference: Use the Reference Center to find tools to assist you with building and managing a reference library. -- Write: Use the Writing Center to select an APA Style paper template, collaborate with peers and reviewers, and check your work.-- From home page.

Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection

This database contains essential publications for information about the financial services industry, including accounting, tax, banking, and industry trends.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

ACLS Humanities E-Book

A collection of major scholarly works from all areas of the humanities, including online versions of printed works as well as original electronic publications.

ACM digital library

The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing: The Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. A collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers. The ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database focused exclusively on the field of computing. A richly interlinked set of connections among authors, works, institutions, and specialized communities.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database

A full-text database covering comprehensive scholarly output, managed by an expert editorial team overseeing content selection and indexing supported by a controlled vocabulary.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Agriculture Science Database

This database contains the leading agricultural journals published in North America. ProQuest Agriculture Journals offers the complete text as well as complete images from such journals as Agricultural Research, Forest Products Journal, Journal of Animal Science, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation and Plant Physiology.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

AIP Scitation

Over two million articles in fields that include physics, chemistry geosciences, engineering, acoustics and more

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

ALD : Aristoteles Latinus database *

Contains the complete corpus of medieval translations of the works of Aristotle. The particular benefit of this electronic edition lies in the fact that it provides an integrated database of all the medieval translations of Aristotle's work. The electronic database is not identical to the printed edition, as it omits the prefaces describing the manuscript tradition; nor does it include the apparatus of variant readings, the Greek-Latin comparative apparatus, or the bilingual indexes of the printed version. The texts included are prepared and supervised by the Aristoteles Latinus Centre of the Catholic University of Leuven, and produced in collaboration with the CTLO.

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Alex Författarlexikon

Alex Författarlexikon är ett lexikon över skönlitterära författare från hela världen. Här hittar du dessutom titlar, filmatiseringar och litteraturhänvisningar i fulltext. Vidare finns förteckningar över litterära priser, ett lexikon över termer samt ett antal temaartiklar kring epoker och genrer.

Alexander street

Alexander Street (former Academic Video Online) is a single, integrated, modular platform for the delivery of streaming video to libraries, colleges and schools.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* System requirements: Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Reader.

Altinget *

Altinget bevakar sakpolitiken i Sverige och EU och skriver om allt som leder fram till nya lagar i Sverige, från att regeringen tillsätter en utredning till att riksdagen fattar beslut. Altinget är en efterföljare till Riksdag & Departement - med samma inriktning. Innehåller nyheter, fördjupningar, analyser och intervjuer. Stockholms universitetsbibliotek har åtkomst till artiklar i ämnesområdena  Miljö&Energi, Rikspolitiken samt Utbildning.

* För anmälan till nyhetsbrev för området Rikspolitiken kontakta media.sub[@]

América Latina, portal Europeo : información e investigación Europeas sobre América Latina

Web portal of European-based resources that focus on the study of Latin America. The site contains information about scholarly resources in both electronic and paper format, courses of study, conferences, research centers, and exhibitions, all devoted to Latin America. It was developed by REDIAL (Red Europea de Información y Documentación sobre América Latina) and CEISAL (Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina).

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

American Chemical Society

34 titles published by the ACS of which 26 of the titles are scientific periodicals in full text

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Annual reviews

Since 1932 Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual reviews volumes are published each year for 29 focused disciplines within Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences

APS Journals

Tidskrifter utgivna av American Physical Society

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena (Fulltexts has to be deleted at the end of the semester.), Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non Commercial libraries), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


ARCHISplus är databasen för den Europeiska kommissionens historiska arkiv. Den innehåller referenser till texter från: Europeiska Kol- och stålunionen, Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen, Europeiska atomenergikommittén samt den nuvarande Europeiska gemenskapen.

Terms of use, allowed:


Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Archive of Celtic-Latin literature : (ACLL) *

Contains the texts processed thus far from the corpus of Celtic-Latin literature from the period 400-1200 as part of the Royal Irish Academy's Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources project. ext in Latin; search interface and user's guide available in English, French, German, and Italian.

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Archive of European integration : (AEI)

The AEI is an electronic repository and archive for research materials on the topic of European integration and unification. The AEI collects two types of materials: certain types of independently-produced research materials and official European Community/European Union documents. Many documents from the Barbara Sloan European Union Delegation Collection (BSEUDC) have been added to the AEI.

ArkivDigital *

ArkivDigital innehåller information om släktforskning. Bildarkivet består bla. av digitala bilder på olika arkivhandlingar som kyrkböcker och bouppteckningar. Ungefär 600 000 nya bilder läggs till varje månad. 

* Only one user at a time.


Den stora svenska artikeldatabasen. Alla ämnesområden tas med. Urvalet av artiklar från dagstidningar är begränsat (inga ledare eller nyhetsartiklar). Ett stort antal recensioner (litteratur, konst, musik, teater, film) ingår.

Arts & humanities citation index : (A & HCI)

Multidisciplinary database covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. Indexes world's leading arts and humanities journals with selected, relevant items from major science and social science journals.

Arts & Humanities Database

This database features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

An e-print service which presents papers in physics, mathematics, nonlinear science, computer science, quantitative biology, and statistics. is a fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for research papers which functions as a means of communicating ongoing research information in these subject areas.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena (See each article for more information), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Asahi shimbun digital *

Asahi Shimbun is widely regarded as the most respected daily newspaper in Japan. With Asahi Shimbun digital you can keep up to date with what's happening now in Japan, as well as get japanese reporting on what's happening right now in the world.

* Not available on tablets or smartphones. Only five users at a time. When you finished using the database, please click logout button.

If you are looking for Asahi Shimbuns archived articles, for research on how historical events was reported in Asahi Shimbun - search for the platform Cross Asia in Databases A-Ö on the library web site and click on the link to Asahi Shimbun.



* Not available on tablets or smartphones. Access is limited to 5 simultaneous users. Please logout after use.

ASFA : aquatic sciences and fisheries abstracts

This database provides specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical for scientists researching the world's living aquatic resources. Marine, freshwater and brackish water regions and environments are examined, including biology and ecology of aquatic organisms and legal, policy, and socioeconomic issues. Coverage: 1971 - current

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Asian & European Business Collection

This database provides information pertinent to the study of business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines. Find information on companies, economies, markets, international trade, and overall business conditions and practices throughout these regions.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

ATLA religion database

New interface February 4th. Please note that Custom Folders will not be available after that date.

Index to journal articles, essays, and book reviews in the field of religion. Covers biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues. Includes authority files for subjects, names as subject, scripture, and journals. 1949-

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Australia & New Zealand Database

This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand. 

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Beck online : die Datenbank Premium

Beck-online is a German (language) full text database, providing access to German legal resources. Users can search legal magazines, commentaries, legal codes of each state and court rulings. The database also contains Statements and other forms on various areas of law.


Language: german.

BHA and RILA : bibliography of the history of art

The Getty Research Institute provides free access to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and to the Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA). These citation databases, searchable together, cover material published between 1975 and 2007. For material published after 2007, please see: International Bibliography of Art (IBA) (ProQuest platform).

Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen-Âge Tardif *

Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen-Âge Tardif ,La BAMAT,  est une bibliographie des auteurs et des textes, spécialisée dans l’histoire des textes et celle des doctrines 

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale *

Dedicated from the outset to the study of the civilisation of the Middle Ages in its widest sense, the CESCM is now organised scientifically along four main subject areas that cover numerous fields of study in Medieval Sudies, whilst favouring a resolutely interdisciplinary approach in its programmes of study. Medieval literature and texts Area, power and religion Signs, forms et representations Territories, monuments and techniques

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Bibliographie de la littérature française

Bibliographie de la littérature française (BLF) lists studies published since 1998 on French and Francophone literature, from the sixteenth century to today. The online BLF is produced by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, the Société d'histoire littéraire de la France and published by Classiques Garnier numérique.

Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft : (BDSL)

Mit BDSL-online steht Ihnen ein Teil der wichtigsten germanistischen Bibliographie für Ihre Recherchen im Internet zur Verfügung. Sie umfasst derzeit die Jahrgänge 1985-2005 der Druckfassung. Der Datenbestand wird nach und nach um weitere Jahrgänge ergänzt.

Bibliography of pragmatics online

The Bibliography of Pragmatics Online is an annotated bibliography of the field of linguistic pragmatics, conceived as the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, and cultural) science of natural language use. It combines the data from the older -- printed -- Comprehensive Bibliography of Pragmatics by Jan Nuyts & Jef Verschueren (1987) with later publications until the present day. It is updated annually. As of January 2020, the Bibliography of Pragmatics Online is an open access product.

Biological Science Database

This interdisciplinary database offers abstracts and citations to a wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. 

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Bloomsbury Berg fashion library

Provides integrated text and image content on world dress and fashion throughout history. Offers fully cross-searchable access to an expanding range of Berg content collections, including the Encyclopedia of world dress and fashion, e-books, e-journals, museum directory, reference works, images, and more. Browsable by time (1600 to date) and by place (click on world map).

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Bloomsbury Collections

E-books from Bloomsbury Publishing. We have access to several collections in Humanties and Law as well as Education.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Book citation index

The Book Citation Index is designed to enhance the powerful discovery and analysis capabilities of Web of Knowledge by incorporating comprehensive book citation data. Researchers can search for and identify the most relevant and esteemed literature along with the 12,000 peer-reviewed journals and 150,000 conference proceedings already indexed in Web of Knowledge, enabling users to navigate the links in citations across books, journals and proceedings. Books are indexed at the chapter level, resulting in improved searches and deeper insights into the citing behavior between books and the wider world of scholarly research.

Brepolis : the home of Brepols' online publications

Brepolis is the home of all online projects of Brepols Publishers and its partners, aimed at the international community of humanities scholars. Stockholm University has access to L'Année Philologique, International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de Civilization Médiévale, Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Âge Tardif, Clavis Clavium, Library of Latin Texts Series A and Series B, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Archive of Celtic-Latin literature, Aristoteles Latinus Database, Cross Database Searchtool, Database of Latin Dictionaries, Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Souces, Lexikon des Mittelalters IEMA, Bibliographia Franziscana, Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis.




Brepols Online ebooks and ejournals

Brepols ebooks contains  eBooks available in multiple collections:

  • Monographs & Miscellany volumes
  • Medieval Studies & other areas in the humanities
  • Frontlist, Backlist, Archive
  • If there is an ebook title that you need for your research or studies contact 

Brepols ejournals offers a broad range of journals in a variety of humanities disciplines:

  • Access to current articles published in almost 50 online journals
  • Archive: access to articles, published up to 2016
  • If there is a journal title that you need for your research contact 


Brill online

Brill Online contains books and journals covering the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World

Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World traces the enduring history and wide-ranging cultural influence of Neo-Latin, the form of Latin that originated in the Italian Renaissance and persists to the modern era. Featuring original contributions by a host of distinguished international scholars, this comprehensive reference work explores every aspect of the civilized world from literature and law to philosophy and the sciences.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Brill's encyclopedia of China

Brill’s Encyclopedia of China Online is based on the originally a thousand-page reference work on China with a clear focus on the modern period from the mid-nineteenth century to the 21st century. Written by the world’s top scholars, Brill’s Encyclopedia of China is the first place to look for reliable information on the history, geography, society, economy, politics, science, and culture of China.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Brill's encyclopedia of Hinduism

Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism presents the latest research on all the main aspects of the Hindu traditions. Its 438 essays are original work written by the world’s foremost scholars on Hinduism. The encyclopedia presents a balanced and even-handed view of Hinduism, recognizing the divergent perspectives and methods in the academic study of a religion that has ancient historical roots with many flourishing traditions today. Including all essays from the heralded printed edition, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism is now to be regularly updated with new articles and available in a fully searchable, dynamic digital format.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Brill's Medieval Reference Library

Inlcudes access to the following reference works in medieval studies:

- Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage (2009)
- Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle (2010, with updates in 2014, 2016, and 2021)
- Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles of the British Isles c. 450-1450 (2012, with updates in 2016, 2018, and 2021)
- Brill's Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages (2016)

With over 4,200 signed entries, plus over 200 illustrations, this is an indispensible online resource for anyone interested in pre-modern European history and culture.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Britannica image quest

The Web site provides images from more than 50 collections in the world, including Encyclopaedia Britannica, Dorling Kindersley, Getty, the National Portrait Gallery of London, the National Geographic Society and Oxford Scientific. All images are age-appropriate and rights-cleared for educational use.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Other (Images can be shared for educational use.), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Britannica online *

Includes the complete encyclopedia, as well as Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and the Britannica Book of the Year. You can also use EB Online to search an Internet directory that includes more than 130,000 links to Web sites selected, rated, and reviewed by Britannica editors

* You can also use the Encyclopædia Britannica mobile app, free to download from App Store.

BrowZine *

With BrowZine you can find the library’s journals in various subjects, read table of contents and articles, save your favorite journals to your bookshelf, monitor new articles in your favorite journals, save articles for later reading and save articles in reference management software.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* To use the book shelf, save and track articles you need to register a personal account. BrowZine is also available as an app. Choose "Stockholm University Library" under "Settings" and use your personal account.

Business Market Research Collection

Conduct company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research with information from these sources: Hoover's Company Profiles; OxResearch and US and Worldwide Industry & Market Reports from Barnes Reports.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

CABI Compendium *

This is a resource for conducting both natural and social science research on crop pests and pathogens. The database is developed by subject experts in partnership with international collaborators CABI Compendium helps students, researchers and practitioners discover relevant, in-depth scientific information in their area of interest. Bringing together data and research on species, pests and diseases across agriculture, aquaculture and livestock production,and the environment into one comprehensive resource. This part of the database gives you access to the sections Protection, Animal Health & Production, Aquaculture, Forestry and Horticulture.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* Only one user at a time.

Cambridge books online

Cambridge Books Online offers access to eBooks from our publishing programme, covering subjects from all disciplines across science, technology and medicine, as well as humanities and social sciences. Offers predefined or bespoke collections of content within a functional, fully searchable online environment.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Cambridge companions online

Cambridge Companions are a series of authoritative guides, written by leading experts, offering lively, accessible introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics, and periods.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Cambridge core

Cambridge Core is the online content delivery service for Cambridge University Press's collection of journals and books across the sciences, social sciences and humanities subject areas.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Cambridge histories online

Cambridge Histories online is an essential reference collection spanning 350 volumes. The database covers multiple academic subjects across the humanities and social sciences.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Cambridge journals online

Cambridge Journals Online contains over 280 peer-reviewed journals from a broad sweep of subject areas, including journals published on behalf of over 100 learned societies.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database

This database is a longstanding, comprehensive Canadian periodical collection covering multiple subjects and topics.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Canadian Newsstream

This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most Canadian newspapers, providing full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features published in each. Most titles are updated daily and some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Career & Technical Education Database

The database includes nearly 600 titles, with more than 500 available in full text for quick access to research on virtually any technical topic.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Highlights the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), based in London, England. CEPR is a research institute on key European and global economic policy issues. Discusses the areas of research conducted, including labor economics, public policy, international trade, international macroeconomics, and transition economics. Offers a list of CEPR discussion papers.

ChemSpider : the free chemical database

ChemSpider is a free access service providing a structure centric community for chemists. It provides access to millions of chemical structures and integration to a multitude of other online services.

Chicago University Press

The Complete Chicago University Press Package provides access to more than 90 electronic journal titles from a wide range of disciplines: anthroplogy and archaeology, art and art history, economics, education, history, philosophy, humanities, law and politics, literary studies, medieval and renaissance studies, science, social sciences. In addition to working with departments and faculty of the University of Chicago, the University of Chicago Press publishes influential scholarly journals on behalf of learned and professional societies and associations, foundations, museums, and other not-for-profit organizations. All are peer-reviewed publications, with readerships that include scholars, scientists, and practitioners, as well as other interested, educated individuals.


Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Classic Arabic Texts Online

Classical Arabic Texts Online is a library of Arabic geographical and historical works. It consists of a large number of authoritative text editions: the Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum (BGA), itself a collection of famous geographical texts, as well as Tarikh al-rusul wa-l-muluk by Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, its résumé by Arib b. Sad al-Qurtubi, and the Kitab Futuh al-buldan by Ahmad b. Yahya al-Baladhuri, with English translation.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court

The Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court (CLICC) provides a provision-by-provision analysis of the Rome Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court (‘ICC’). CLICC enables the user to find case-law, doctrine and comments efficiently and without cost. With Lexsitus you can create reading lists and work with notes when drafting a legal memorandum or others texts.

Computer Science Database

This collection provides discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Conference proceedings citation index

The conference proceedings citation database contains approximately 2 million records from more than 60,000 conferences for the years 1990-2000. It is updated by 225,000 records each year. New records are added every week.

Conference proceedings citation index

The conference proceedings citation database include the published literature of the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions in the social sciences, covering: psychology, sociology, public health, management, economics, art, history, literature, and philosophy. The database allow you to track emerging ideas and new research before the material appears in the journal literature. Part of the ISI Web of Science, the database can be cross-searched with the Arts and Humanities, Science, and Social Science Citation Indexes.

Consumer Health Database

This database includes journals and magazines covering an enormous range of health subjects, from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Continental Europe Database

This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many European countries, including France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Criminology Collection

This collection supports research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as law enforcement and security services. It includes the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Abstracts Database, with further index and full-text coverage of scholarly journals. It also includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs and other relevant material for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, and related fields.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


You find the databases that we have access to under "Access to content" on the CrossAsia platform:




China Academic Journals CAJ

China Core Newspapers

China Statistical Yearbooks

Peoples Daily



ChinaMaxx ebooks


Asahi Shimbun

Japan Times Archives


NOTE: China Academic Journals CAJ: we have access to journals and articles within the following subjects: Literature/History/Philosophy, Politics/Military/Law, Education/Social, Electronics/Information Technology Science, Economics and Management


If the page "Elektronische Ressourcen Benutzungsbedingungen" shows up when you have clicked on one of the database links: Click on "Anmeldung für FID Ressourcen (Shibboleth)" Write Stockholm in the search box and choose Stockholm University. After that you log in with you SU account, username and password.

Curia : Europeiska unionens domstol

Rättsfall från EU-domstolen. Fulltextsökningar i samtliga handlingar som har offentliggjorts i rättsfallssamlingen sedan år 1954 (sedan år 1994 när det gäller Rättsfallssamling - Personaldelen (REGP)).

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Daily mail historical archive 1896-2004

The Daily Mail Historical Archive includes more than one hundred years of this major UK national newspaper, viewable in full digital facsimile form, with copious advertisements, news stories, and images that capture twentieth-century culture and society. As well as the regular edition of the newspaper, the Daily Mail Historical Archive also includes the Daily Mail Atlantic Edition, which was published on board the cruise ships that sailed between New York and Southampton from 1923 to 1931.

Database of Latin dictionaries *

The aim of the database is not only to integrate different types of Latin dictionaries, whether modern, medieval or early-modern, but also to build in links between these different tools. Where the dictionaries provide Latin terms and vernacular equivalents or explanations (whether in contemporary or historic forms of English, French or German), searches will be possible on both the Latin lemmata and the English, French or German lemmata. This database will provide an unsurpassed tool since all Latin word-forms that appear concretely in texts will have a link to entries in relevant dictionaries and from there the user can go and read the selected dictionary entry. The database will continue to grow gradually and will comprise three kinds of dictionaries: dictionaries to assist translation from Latin into modern languages, dictionaries providing semantic and etymological explanations in Latin of Latin words historical Latin dictionaries.

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Databasen KVINNSAM

Databasen KVINNSAM är en del av Libris-databasen och innehåller referenser till böcker, bokkapitel, uppsatser och artiklar. Det är en tvärvetenskaplig litteraturdatabas med svenska och utländska genusvetenskapliga referenser ur Göteborgs universitetsbiblioteks bestånd. Databasen innehåller titlar från och med tryckåret 1970. Titlar publicerade mellan 1958 och 1969 finns registrerade i en kortkatalog på Kvinnohistoriska samlingarna.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


DBpia is a full text database of scholarly journals published by major Korean academic societies and research institutes. It includes over 1.8 million articles from 1918 to present.  Language: korean

Access via a library collaboration with Nordic and Baltic institutions and Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.


De Gruyter online

Walter de Gruyter is an academic publisher who provide electronic access to its journals, books, and databases on a single platform.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Defining gender, 1450-1910

Contains complete scanned books, pamphlets, periodicals, collections of letters, biographies, short stories, novels, and poetry, as well as recent thematic essays by leading scholars in the field of Gender Studies which place the documents within a broad historical, literary and cultural context.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources *

The Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources (DMLBS), the first fascicle of which appeared in 1975 and the 17th and last in 2013, is “the most comprehensive dictionary of Medieval Latin to have been produced and the first ever to focus on British Medieval Latin”.
The digitised version of the DMLBS, without at all taking away the usefulness of the printed version, presents a real asset in that it allows searching not only by headwords, but also by Latin word-forms, non-Latin word-forms, references and the full text, criteria that can be combined in a single search.

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Dictionary of Qur'anic usage

The Dictionary of Qur'anic Usage is the first comprehensive, fully-researched and contextualised Arabic-English dictionary of Qur'anic usage. The work is based on Classical Arabic dictionaries and Qur'an commentaries with cross-references. This online version full-text searchable in Arabic and English.

Digitala forskarsalen : Svensk arkivinformation

Digitala forskarsalen (tidigare SVAR) innehåller 25 olika arkivdatabaser: Aktiebolagsdatabas, Bilddatabas, Bouppteckningsdatabas, Brandförsäkringsdatabas, Brevdatabas, Brukshistorisk databas, By- och gårdsdatabas, Döddatabas, Döddatabas 1947-1967, Ericsbergsarkivet, Folkräkning, Frigivna straffarbetsfångar, Födelsedatabas, Kartdatabas, Konseljdatabas, Länslistor över mikrokort, SCB-register 1921-1949, Sjömansdatabas, Sollefteå kommuns bilddatabas, Sök fordon, Torparförsvarsdatabas, Vigseldatabas, Vård- och omsorgsdatabas, Konstbibliotekets kortkatalog - 1983.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining) (Some databases are Open Data, please see the platform for more information)

Digitaliserade SOU:er

Webbplats med alla Statens offentliga utredningar, som publicerats från 1922 till 1999, tillgängliga i fulltext. Här finns totalt 6129 utredningar i form av nedladdningsbara pdf-filer. Utredningarna är även sökbara via Regina och i LIBRIS. Senare SOU söks på regeringens webbplats under Publikationer.

Directory of open access books

DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.

DiVA : Digitala vetenskapliga arkivet

DiVA portal är en gemensam söktjänst och ett öppet arkiv för forskningspublikationer och studentuppsatser producerade vid 50 lärosäten och forskningsinstitutioner.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena (See each title for more information), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

DiVA vid Stockholms universitet

DiVA vid Stockholms universitet innehåller publikationer producerade av universitetets forskare och studenter.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena (See each title for more information), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

DOAJ : Directory of Open Access Journals

Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages.

Terms of use, allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Dokument & lagar

Riksdagsinformation, protokoll, propositioner, motioner, betänkanden, lagar och förordningar (SFS), kommittédirektiv och -berättelser, EU-dokument.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Collection

The Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database includes the renowned Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Oceanic Abstracts, and Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA). It provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. The database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources studying the critical issues affecting Earth’s air, land, and water environments.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

East & South Asia Database

This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many East Asian and South Asian countries.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

East Europe, Central Europe Database

This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in East European and Central European countries.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Ebook Central

Ebook central provides full-text e-books in a wide range of subject areas along with tools to find, use, and manage the information.

Terms of use, allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Other (See each title for restrictions in usage.), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

EBSCO Discovery Service

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) is a search tool that provides a single access point to most of a library's information resources. Please note that Swedish material, especially within the Law area, is limited.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

EBSCO eBook collection

New interface February 4th. Please note that Custom Folders will not be available after that date.

Provides the full-text of thousands recently-published books from selected academic and commercial publishers, as well as the full-text of a large number of older works in the public domain.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Other (See each title for restrictions in usage), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)


New interface February 4th. Please note that Custom Folders will not be available after that date.

EBSCOhost is a search service which gives access to a number of different databases. Full-text articles, citations, and media options vary per database.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)


New interface February 4th. Please note that Custom Folders will not be available after that date.

Comprehensive indexed bibliography with selected abstracts of the world's economic literature (over 300 major economic journals and collected volumes) compiled from the American Economic Association's Journal of economic literature and the Index of economic articles in journals and collective volumes. 1969-

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Editoria italiana online (EIO)

Editoria italiana online is a selection of e-books, e-journals and digital texts from Italian academic publishers, mainly in the humanities and social sciences. All content is not available.

Education Collection

This collection provides access to ERIC, the leading index for education research, in combination with the full- text Education Database. Together, they provide abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers and more, including full- text from hundreds of leading education journals.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

eHRAF archaeology

eHRAF Archaeology is a cross-cultural database containing information on the world's prehistory designed to facilitate comparative archaeological studies. This annually-growing eHRAF database is organized by archaeological traditions. The full-text sources are subject-indexed at the paragraph level. Two thesauri, Outline of the world cultures (OWC), and Outline of cultural materials (OCM), organize the collections and are included as searchable files.

eHRAF World Cultures

eHRAF World Cultures is an online cross-cultural and ethnographic database that contains descriptive information on all aspects of cultural and social life. The annually-growing eHRAF database is unique in that the information is organized by cultures and ethnic groups and every document is subject-indexed at the paragraph level, facilitating precise retrieval within documents.

Eighteenth Century collections online (ECCO)

Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) is a vast eighteenth-century text-searchable corpus of books, pamphlets and broadsides in all subjects printed between 1701 and 1800. It currently contains over 180,000 titles amounting to over 32 million fully-searchable pages. ECCO is a digitization of the eighteenth-century section of the works catalogued in the English Short-title Catalogue (ESTC). In terms of languages, the vast majority are in English with several thousand in French or Latin, smaller numbers in Ancient Greek, German, Italian, Scots Gaelic, Spanish and Welsh, and a few in other languages.

Eighteenth century drama : censorship, society and the stage

A unique archive of almost every play submitted for licence between 1737 and 1824, and hundreds of documents that provide social context for the plays, featuring: John Larpent Collection of Plays from the Huntington Library; supplementary documents including Anna Larpent Diaries; The London Stage, 1660-1800; A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)


Emerald fulltext journals and book series cover the major management disciplines including, marketing, HR and organizational development, library & information management, quality and operations management, plus a substantial number of engineering, applied science and technology journals. Full text 1994-

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Glossary and Index of Terms

Glossary and Index of Terms treats the technical terms in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and other languages or dialects of the Islamic world. As an index, it is of immeasurable importance, in particular for the many terms which are not given an entry but are discussed in the course of an article; and as glossary it is an invaluable source of information for both non-specialist and the specialist.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Encyclopaedia of Judaism

The Encyclopaedia of Judaism Online offers an authoritative, comprehensive, and systematic presentation of the current state of scholarship on fundamental issues of Judaism, both past and present. While heavy emphasis is placed on the classical literature of Judaism and its history, the Encyclopaedia of Judaism Online also includes principal entries on circumcision, genetic engineering, homosexuality, intermarriage in American Judaism, and other acutely contemporary issues. Comprehensive and up-to-date, it reflects the highest standards in scholarship. Covering a tradition of nearly four thousand years, some of the most distinguished scholars in the field describe the way of life, history, art, theology, philosophy, and the practices and beliefs of the Jewish people.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Online

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Encyclopedia of Arabic language and linguistics

The Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics Online comprehensively covers all aspects of Arabic languages and linguistics. It is interdisciplinary in scope and represents different schools and approaches in order to be as objective and versatile as possible. The Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics Online is cross-searchable and cross-referenced, and is equipped with a browsable index.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Encyclopedia of Chinese language and linguistics

The Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics offers a systematic and comprehensive overview of the languages of China and the different ways in which they are and have been studied. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the languages spoken in China, today and in the past, from many different angles, as well as the different linguistic traditions they have been investigated in.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Encyclopedia of Christianity Online

The Encyclopedia of Christianity Online describes modern-day Christian beliefs and communities in the context of 2000 years of apostolic tradition and Christian history. Based on the third, revised edition of the critically acclaimed German work Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon. The Encyclopedia of Christianity Online includes all 5 volumes of the print edition of 1999-2008 which has become a standard reference work for the study of Christianity past and present.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Encyclopedia of religion

The second edition of a resource that is considered a standard reference in the field. Presents a cross-cultural approach that emphasizes religion's role within everyday life and as a unique experience from culture to culture. The original 2,750 entries have been retained, many heavily updated, and approximately 600 entirely new articles have been added by an international team of scholars and contributors

Encyclopedia of Slavic languages and linguistics online

The Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers a comprehensive overview of the languages of the Slavic language family and the different ways in which they are and have been studied. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-European origins to the present day, as well as consideration of interaction of Slavic with other languages.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Encyclopedia of women & Islamic cultures

The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Online is an interdisciplinary, trans-historical, and global project embracing women and Islamic cultures in every region where there have been significant Muslim populations. It aims to cover every topic for which there is significant research, examining these regions from the period just before the rise of Islam to the present.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Engineering Database

This database provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Engineering village

Engineering Village is a search & discovery platform that provides the quality content, analytics and intelligence needed for engineers. * is the most widely used collection of corpora (highly searchable collections of texts) anywhere in the world. What sets apart from all other corpora is the insight that they give into variation in English – between genres, historical periods, and dialects.

* Personal login needed

Environmental Science Database

The Environmental Science Database is a cross-disciplinary resource of full-text content of global literature across this field and related disciplines. Content is selected from several specialist topic resources in disciplines such as engineering, biotechnology, bacteriology, atmospheric science, ecology, and biology.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


ERIC via ProQuest

ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. The database contains more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents dating back to 1966.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Essential science indicators

Essential science indicators provides access to a comprehensive compilation of science performance statistics and science trend data. The chief indicators of output, or productivity, are journal article publication counts. Data in Essential science indicators are limited to Thomson Scientific-indexed journal articles only.

Ethnologue : Languages of the World

Digital version av det tryckta uppslagsverket. Förtecknar alla nu kända levande språk i världen, över 7.000. Beskrivningar, språkkartor, bibliografi och fr.o.m. 15 uppl. även språkkoder enligt ISO-standard.

EU bookshop

EU Bookshop är en nätbokhandel och ett arkiv över publikationer från EU-institutionerna som sköts av EU:s publikationsbyrå i Luxemburg. Den finns på alla 23 officiella EU-språk. Välj ett språk i listan längst upp till höger och sök efter titlar som finns på det språket. Webbplatsen är en del av Europa -EU:s webbportal.

EUR-Lex : ingång till EU-rätten

EUR-Lex ger direkt och gratis åtkomst till EU-rätten. Systemet bygger på sökningar i EUT (Europeiska unionens officiella tidning) som t.ex. innehåller fördrag, lagstiftning, rättspraxis och förberedande rättsakter.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Europa : EU:s officiella webbplats

Europa är Europeiska unionens flerspråkiga officiella webbplats. Den innehåller nyheter, institutionernas hemsidor, möjlighet att se vad som sker inom varje ämnesområde, officiella dokument, grundläggande fakta om unionen, informationskällor exempelvis länkar till EUs databaser och mycket mera. Det är möjligt att söka på hela webbplatsen med hjälp av en sökmotor.

European e-justice : portal

E-juridikportalen samlar relevant rättsinformation på ett och samma ställe.

European VAT directives

European VAT directives. The platform offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of worldwide tax information, presented in conveniently arranged collections and with easy-to-use tools and tables for practical guidance and quick answers.


Eurostats mission is to gather and analyse figures from the different European statistics offices in order to provide the European Union with a high-quality statistical information service. The data cover the European Union, its Member States and partners,
 and are published under themes:  Key EU policies indicators ; General statistics ; Economy and finance ; Population and social conditions ; Industry, trade and services ; Agriculture and fisheries ; External trade ; Transport ; Environment and energy ; Science and technology

Terms of use, allowed:

Other (Reuse of statistical data, metadata, publications, and other dissemination tools published on this website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. See the website for more information.)

Everyday life & women in America : c. 1800-1920

Everyday Life & Women in America c.1800-1920 showcases unique primary source material for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

FAR Online

FAR Online är en webbaserad tjänst som täcker in alla ekonomiska regelverk för blivande revisor, redovisningskonsult, ekonom, jurist. 

Tillgång till hela Rättsserien, sifferkollen, viktiga datum, bokarkiv med äldre utgåvor av FARS:s regelsamling, nyhetsbrev samt tidningarna Skattenytt och Balans.


Fashion Photography Archive

The Fashion Photography Archive includes 750,000 runway, backstage and street style images, supported by hundreds of articles, designer biographies, audio and video resources.

Foreign & international law resources database

Searchable database which includes publications from the American Society of International Law and yearbooks and serials from around the world, as well as the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice series. Also includes U.S. law digests, international tribunals and judicial decisions and other significant works relating to foreign and international law. Individual title coverage varies.

Fornsvensk bibliografi : Svensk runbibliografi

Bearbetning av och fortsättning på den tryckta fornsvenska bibliografi som sammanställdes av Robert Geete och Isak Collijn för tiden fram till 1944. Fornsvensk bibliografi på nätet sträcker sig fram till och med 2017 och uppdateras regelbundet.


A corpus of French texts, produced by the Institut National de la Langue Française. This database (in French only) contains approximately 4500 works (June 2013), ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writings from the medieval period through the twentieth century. Genres include novels, verse, drama, journalism, essays, letters, and treatises. Subjects cover literary criticism, biology, history, economics, and philosophy.


Fredsarkivet (tidigare Folke Bernadotte-samlingarna) har skapats för att underlätta forskning, studier och utbildning genom att samla dokument rörande svenskt deltagande i internationella fredsinsatser i ett lättåtkomligt digitalt arkiv. Alla kan nå den nya databasen genom skapa ett personligt konto.

Gale ebooks

Gale ebooks (formerly GVRL) is a database of encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, and other specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research in the Arts, Biography, History, Information and Publishing, Law, Literature, Medicine, Multicultural Studies, Nation and World, Religion, Science, and Social Science.

Gale Literature Resource Center (LRC)

Ur innehållet: Contemporary authors, Contemporary literary criticism select, Dictionary of literary biography, Encyclopedia of literature (1995), full-text journals m.m.

Gale Primary Sources

The Gale Primary Sources platform enables users to cross-search Gale collections. Stockholm University Library has access to following collections: 19th Century UK Periodicals, Series 1-2 - Daily Mail Historical Archive, 1896-2004 - Eighteenth Century Collections Online - Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers - Picture Post historical archive, 1938-1957 - The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003 - The Telegraph Historical Archive - The Times Digital Archive - The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive (1910-2000).


GeoBase is a multidisciplinary database that deeply indexes research literature across the earth sciences including geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography and geomechanics. The database contains over 1.8 million bibliographic records taken from 2,000 scientific and technical journals. Online coverage is from 1980 to the present, and files are updated weekly.

Geodata för forskning, utbildning och kulturverksamheter

Om Geodata för forskning, utbildning och kulturverksamheter
Nedladdningstjänsten GET (tillgänglig för studenter och anställda vid Stockholms universitet)

Bild och höjdinformation, kartor i vektorformat, kartor i rasterformat och geodatatjänster (WMS-tjänster). Webbplatsen innehåller också informationsfilmer om avtal, myndigheternas data och hur nedladdningstjänsten GET fungerar. Studenter och anställda vid Stockholms universitet kan dessutom ladda ner geodata via GET-tjänsten.

Terms of use, allowed:


Terms of use, not allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)


I GeoRegister finns referenser till merparten av SGUs cirka 2 000 publicerade och 4 000 opublicerade dokument liksom GFFs cirka 4 500 uppsatser. Merparten av alla opublicerade prospekteringsrapporter efter mineralfyndigheter upprättade under de senaste fyra decennierna finns också refererade i databasen. Även referenser till flertalet av landets grundvattenutredningar finns lagrade, liksom sand-, grus- och bergkrossmaterialinventeringar m.m.

Germanische Altertumskunde Online

Germanische Altertumskunde Online (GAO) provides a unique Online Reference representing the current state of knowledge of Germanic antiquity studies, which includes Germanic and Northern European cultural history from the subject areas of history, archaeology, art history, legal history, ethnology, and religious studies. This Online Reference Work contains the complete data of the Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, as well as new and revised articles; furthermore, all volumes of the RGA-E series (the supplementary volumes to the "Reallexikon"; currently more than 120), several journal articles, and single books.

No updates after 2022.

Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz PREMIUM Beck online

This specialist module offers comprehensive and up-to-date information on the fairness-, patent-, utility model, design, trademark, copyright, publisher- and media law and related areas. It deepens the PLUS module of the same name with the practitioner magazine GRUR-Prax, among others.

Language: german.

Global Breaking Newswires

In the modern news world, newswires are the chief source of timely news and, with increasing pressures on the traditional news industry, newswires are often the only news coverage for many large regions of the globe. Global Breaking Newswires is providing timely access to newswire content available from around the globe for the modern researcher as well as growing archive of news.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Global tax treaty commentaries

In Global tax treaties you can navigate international tax agreements with ease. Global initiatives to curb tax avoidance have an unprecedented impact on bilateral tax treaties worldwide. In a rapidly changing tax landscape, you need to be fully aware of the implications for your cross-border operations. Quick access to reliable information is crucial for the correct interpretation and application of complex tax treaty rules.

Google scholar

Google scholar indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Google scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online journals of Europe and America's largest scholarly publishers.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


GreenFILE covers all aspects of human impact on the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles include content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done on each level to minimize negative impact. Topics covered include global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. GreenFILE is multidisciplinary by nature and draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology.

GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Zivilrecht Beck online

With the beck-online module. GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Zivilrecht you have a comprehensive and growing collection of civil law laws and regulations commented on in the BeckOGK at your fingertips.

Language: german

Handbook of Cognitive Semantics

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Handbook of translation studies online

The Handbook of Translation Studies Online aims at disseminating knowledge about translation and interpreting and providing easy access to a large range of topics, traditions, and methods to a broad audience of students, scholars and experts from other disciplines. It also addresses anyone with an interest in the problems of translation, interpreting, localization, editing, etc.

Terms of use, allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht OPTIMUM Beck online

The specialist module offers optimal information, especially for lawyers, business lawyers and judges. In addition to the Plus and Premium modules, there are around 30 important comments, manuals and form books such as the Munich Commentary on the GmbHG  available.

Language: german.

Hathi Trust digital library

HathiTrust is a partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future. There are more than sixty partners in HathiTrust, and membership is open to institutions worldwide.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena (See each title for more information), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Health & Medical Collection

This database offers reliable, comprehensive journal coverage of clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health, health administration and more.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Healthcare Administration Database

This database is a collection of reliable and relevant resources in the field of health administration, including journals and dissertations.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


The world's largest collection of law and law-related material. The database contains more than 25 million pages in image-based (pdf) format and is updated continously

HighWire Press

Highwire Press is a division of the Stanford University Libraries producing online versions of peer-reviewed journals and scholarly content.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Other (See each title for more information)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

History of Feminism

Routledge Historical Resources: History of Feminism is a digital reference resource on the Nineteenth Century of Feminism , 1776 to 1928. Covering the subject areas of history, gender studies, politics and literature, Routledge Historical Resources: History of Feminism is an interdisciplinary resource designed to provide an extensive overview of the topic area through a wealth of primary source materials, journal articles, images, and newly commissioned articles from experts in the field.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena (Allowed add a link to the e-bok in Athena), Interlibrary loan (ILL), Other (Not allowed to e-mail content, even if you e-mail yourself.), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

HPB database

The HPB Database (previously called the Hand Press Book Database) is a steadily growing collection of files of catalogue records from major European and North American research libraries covering items of European printing of the hand-press period (c.1455-c.1830) integrated into one file. This makes it possible for information to be retrieved in one single search across all files. As the digitisation of collections in contributing libraries progresses, more and more catalogue records point to digital presentations of the early printed books.

IBFD : tax research platform

The International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) Tax Research Platform is a research portal for international taxation. The Platform also contains news and a tax glossary with explanations of over 2,000 tax terms. In addition, the glossary provides synonyms and translations of key terms and descriptions of tax-related organizations and business forms per country. Stockholm university subscribes to Commentaries on European VAT Directives & Other Indirect Tax Acts, EU Law, Bulletin for International Taxation

ICC dispute resolution library *

The ICC dispute resolution library is an online service provided by the ICC International Court of Arbitration, containing more than 1000 relevant documents from its established publications on arbitration.

Terms of use, allowed:


Terms of use, not allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

The link goes to Jus Mundi, you can access ICC by clicking "Product" at the top

ICPSR : Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research

An international consortium of more than 750 academic institutions and research organizations, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community. ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.

Idunn är en tvärvetenskaplig databas för nordiska e-tidskrifter i fulltext. Ca 50 titlar inom framförallt samhällsvetenskap och humaniora.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

IEEE Xplore : digital library

IEEE Xplore contains full text documents from IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, letters, conference proceedings, standards, and IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) publications.

IEL environmental law

Online version of the 9-volume looseleaf: International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Environmental Law This set in the International Encyclopaedia of Laws covers national and international environmental law. National monographs contain, besides a general introduction, a description of the country’s environmental legislation, an overview of the basic principles of environmental law

Index to foreign legal periodicals (IFLP)

Index to articles and book reviews appearing in approximately 500 legal journals published worldwide, covering all forms of foreign (non-Anglo-American) law. This includes comparative law and legal systems, such as Islamic law; socialist law; public and private international law; and transnational commercial law. The data is not limited by country of publication, but rather type of publication. IFLP also analyzes the contents of approximately 80 individually published collections of legal essays, Festschriften, Melanges, and congress reports. Subjects covered: economic and political sciences ; medical law, ethics and other humanities.

India Database

Indian Journals is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary resource providing full-text, scholarly journals, all published in India. These scholarly sources support many academic fields of study, such as business, medicine, science, technology, social sciences and humanities.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

IngentaConnect : the home of scholarly research

IngentaConnect hosts scholarly books and journals within all subject areas from a range of different publishers.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Other (See each title for more information)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Intelex past masters full text humanities

The Past Masters series encompasses primary source full-text electronic editions in philosophy. Included are collections in the history of political thought and theory, religious studies, education, German studies, sociology, the history and philosophy of science, economics, and classics. InteLex acquires and develops definitive editions of the full corpora of the seminal figures in the history of the human sciences, including published and unpublished works, articles, essays, reviews, and correspondence. Full-text searching may be made within any single volume, across an entire collection, or across all titles.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

International bibliography of art : IBA

International Bibliography of Art is a resource for scholarly literature on Western art, IBA is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA). The database includes records created by the Getty Research Institute in 2008-09, with new records created by ProQuest using the same thesaurus and authority files.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) includes over 3 million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters. It provides cross-disciplinary coverage across the social sciences, focused on four primary subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

International medieval bibliography *

Indexes articles on medieval subjects in journals, Festschriften, conference proceedings, and collected essays. Covers all aspects of medieval studies within the period 450 to 1500 for Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Citations classified by date, subject and location

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

International Newsstream

International Newsstream provides recent news content outside of the US and Canada, with archives which stretch back decades featuring newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. ProQuest International Newsstream provides information from more than 660 of the world's top newspapers, including The Times (London), The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, Asian Wall Street Journal, and the BBC Monitoring series of publications.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Investment arbitration reporter

Investment Arbitration Reporter is a news and analysis service focusing on cross-border lawsuits between foreign investors and their host governments.


IOPscience is a platform for Institute of Physics hosted journals

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena (Articles must be removed at the end of the semester), Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Iskusstvo kino digital archive

The Iskusstvo Kino Digital Archive captures the complete run (1931-2012) of this monthly publication in a complete online archive, in full-image and fully searchable text. Iskusstvo kino traces Russian arts and culture from the 'socialist realism' era all the way through contemporary filmmaking.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Scholarly sharing

Izvestiia Digital Archive The official daily newspaper of the Soviet government

Among the longest-running Russian newspapers, Izvestiia (News) was founded in March 1917 and during the Soviet period was the official organ of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Remarkable for its serious and balanced treatment of subject matter, Izvestiia has traditionally been a popular news source within intellectual and academic circles. Continuously published for over 100 years, Izvestiia’s prominence endures today as one of the most subscribed news sources of contemporary Russia, covering domestic and foreign policy, commentary, culture, education, and finance.

Journal citation reports

Provides access to data that helps you evaluate and compare scholarly journals, using citation data drawn from over 8,400 journals from over 3,000 publishers worldwide.

JP Arbetsrättsnet

JP Arbetsrättsnet (för Stockholms universitets användare)
JP Arbetsrättsnet (för övriga användare, gå till informationspunkterna i bibliotekets entré för lösenord)

JP Arbetsrättsnet är ett verktyg för att inhämta och nyttja rättsinformation. Systemet, som uppdateras dagligen, innehåller omfattande databaser med lagar, förarbeten och domar. Verktyget innehåller även förklarande kommentarer av samtliga större lagar på arbetsrättsområdet. En pedagogisk genomgång av rättskällor, tolkning och sökning av rättsinformation ingår också i systemet. 

JP ITnet

JP ITnet (för Stockholms universitets användare)
JP ITnet (för övriga användare, gå till informationspunkterna i bibliotekets entré för lösenord)

JP ITnet är en söktjänst för att inhämta och nyttja rättsinformation inom IT-området. Här hittar du analyser och referat, domar och beslut, lagar och förarbeten samt förklarande kommentarer och pedagogiska genomgångar inom ämnet. 

JP Migrationsnet

JP Migrationsnet (för Stockholms universitets användare)
JP Migrationsnet (för övriga användare, gå till informationspunkterna i bibliotekets entré för lösenord)

JP Migrationsnet är en tjänst som är anpassad för studier om migration och kan användas av alla, oavsett juridiska förkunskaper. Tjänsten ger tillgång till kommentarer och förklaringar till hur olika lagar används och tolkas samt innehåller omfattande databaser med lagar, förarbeten och domar. 

JP Miljönet

JP Miljönet (för Stockholms universitets användare)
JP Miljönet (för övriga användare, gå till informationspunkterna i bibliotekets entré för lösenord)

Miljöfrågor inom offentlig förvaltning, privat näringsliv och rättsväsendet. Tjänsten har en daglig nyhetsbevakning och en faktabank, där du hittar lagar och förordningar, förarbeten, domar och beslut samt vägledande dokument från myndigheter. I JP Miljönet hittar du också analyser och artiklar om bland annat energi, naturvård, miljöbrott, tillstånd och tillsyn. Analyserna skrivs av framstående experter som är verksamma på departement, myndigheter, universitet och inom rättsväsendet.

JP Sjukvårdsnet

JP Sjukvårdsnet (för Stockholms universitets användare)
JP Sjukvårdsnet (för övriga användare, gå till informationspunkterna i bibliotekets entré för lösenord)

JP Sjukvårdsnet är ett verktyg för att inhämta och nyttja rättsinformation på sjukvårdsrättsområdet. Du får tillgång till omfattande databaser med lagar, förarbeten och domar. Verktyget innehåller även förklarande kommentarer av samtliga större lagar på sjukvårdsrättsområdet samt en pedagogisk genomgång av rättskällor, tolkning och sökning av rättsinformation.

JP Skolnet

JP Skolnet (för Stockholms universitets användare)
JP Skolnet (för övriga användare, gå till informationspunkterna i bibliotekets entré för lösenord)

JP Skolnet är ett verktyg för att inhämta och nyttja rättsinformation på skolområdet. Systemet, som uppdateras dagligen, innehåller omfattande databaser med lagar, förarbeten och domar. I ”Frågor och Svar” finns frågor som ställts av skolledare och de svar de fått av skoljuridikexperter. En inblick i de juridiska dilemman privata och kommunala utbildare ställs inför och lösningar på dessa. Verktyget innehåller även förklarande kommentarer av Skollagen, ner på paragrafnivå. En pedagogisk genomgång av rättskällor, tolkning och sökning av rättsinformation ingår också i systemet.

JP Socialnet

JP Socialnet (för Stockholms universitets användare)
JP Socialnet (för övriga användare, gå till informationspunkterna i bibliotekets entré för lösenord)

JP Socialnet är ett verktyg för att inhämta och nyttja rättsinformation på socialrättsområdet. Systemet, som uppdateras dagligen, innehåller omfattande databaser med lagar, förarbeten och domar. Verktyget innehåller även förklarande kommentarer av samtliga större lagar på socialrättsområdet. En pedagogisk genomgång av rättskällor, tolkning och sökning av rättsinformation ingår också i systemet.


JSTOR provides more than a thousand academic journals and over 1 million images, letters, and other primary sources. The following collections are available at Stockholm University: Arts & Sciences Collection, Biological Sciences Collection, Business Collection, Life Sciences Collection, Ecology & Botany Collection.

Juno *

Informationstjänst som samlar innehållet från Karnov Groups rättsdatabas Karnov Juridik och Norstedts Juridiks rättsdatabas Zeteo. Material från över 1 000 experter, över 1 000 kommenterade lagar, grundläggande rättsinformation och 600 litteraturtitlar.

Terms of use, allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing (Within Sweden)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* Notera att domar från underinstanser samt alla kursböcker inte är tillgängliga i vårt abonnemang. För utökad behörighet krävs ett personligt abonnemang för anställda och lärare, vänligen kontakta Norstedts Juridik för prisuppgift. För studenter hänvisar vi till JP:s olika resurser här i databaslistan.

Projektet tillgängliggör svensk juridisk litteratur för studententer, forskare jurister, advokater, allmänhet och drivs av stiftelsen för tillgängliggörande av juridisk litteratur.

Litteraturen finns i digitaliserad form på plattformen


Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining) (Not for Commercial use)

JURIS Arbitration Law Library

The JURIS Arbitration Law Library provides exclusive global and regional analyses as well as commentary from leading arbitration practitioners. Access unique books and journals covering issues in all phases of commercial arbitration from pre-arbitration to enforcement. 

Terms of use, allowed:


Terms of use, not allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Jus mundi : academic research

Search engine for international law and arbitration.

Terms of use, allowed:


Terms of use, not allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Karger journals online

Provides access to the fulltext of selected medical, allied health, natural sciences and humanities journals from Karger publishing.


Karnov PLUS innehåller: Lovgivning. Bekendtgørelser, vejledninger mv. Praksis, UfR seneste 50 år. Karnovs Noter. Forarbejder. Historik (inkl. Time Travel). UfR-artikler. EU-Karnov. Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift.


Kartrummet innehåller kartor ur Stockholms universitetsbiblioteks samlingar, och är en del av bibliotekets digitala samling.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Kluwer arbitration

Kluwer Arbitration offers worldwide coverage of commercial and investment arbitration; includes case law, commentary, conventions, legislation and rules. It contains commentary from expert authors and an extensive collection of primary source materials.

KVK Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog

A catalog that allows simultaneous searching of many German library catalogs, as well as the catalogs of the Library of Congress and the British Library.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining) : portalen till svensk rättsinformation är en gemensam webbplats för den offentliga förvaltningens rättsinformation. På hittar du rättsinformation hos regeringen, riksdagen, högre domstolar, statliga myndigheter. Du hittar även en del internationell information.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Landguiden : länder i fickformat Online

Landguiden är en databas från Utrikespolitiska institutet. Förutom grundläggande fakta om jordens alla länder innehåller databasen kartor, länkar och möjligheter att göra egna statistikuttag.

LANIC : Latin American network information center

Web site of the Latin American Network Information Center at the University of Texas at Austin's Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Lists and links to a Latin American country index and to a subject index that includes information on Latin American agriculture, art, business, government, health, military, music, and travel. Provides access to the WWW Virtual Library and ILAS home pages and to other Latin American resources on the WWW.

L'Année philologique *

L’Année philologique, published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique, is a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. The bibliography is published in print and online. The online database includes all volumes of the annual index, beginning with Volume I published in 1928.

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Latin America & Iberia Database

This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. 

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


Latinnews provides analysis and insights into key political and economic events across Latin America and the Caribbean.

On user at a time.


Law360 covers litigation, policy, developments, corporate deals and more across dozens of practice areas, industries, and jurisdictions.

Le bon usage électronique

Le Bon usage électronique offers the entire printed version of the famous grammar of the French language. This electronic version offers index and table of contents navigation, a search engine, cross-references and textual help.

Language: french


Le Bon usage électronique offre l'intégralité de la version imprimée de la célèbre grammaire de la langue française. Cette version électronique offre une navigation par l'index et par la table des matières, un moteur de recherche, des renvois et une aide textuelle.

Le Petit Robert : Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert de la langue française

Le dictionnaire de référence de la langue française en nouvelle édition. Découvrez un dictionnaire unique et complet qui reflète les dernières évolutions de la langue, et exploitez toutes ses possibilités de recherches et de navigation avec ses nombreuses fonctionnalités.

Legislative Observatory

The European Parliament's database for monitoring the EU decision-making process.

Lexikon des Mittelalters *

An entirely new supplement to the Lexikon des Mittelalters (LexMA) The chronological range of IEMA is 300-1500 CE, and it will cover all of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. IEMA will complement and fill in gaps in the coverage of the present Lexikon des Mittelalters (LexMA). *Endast tillgänglig för Stockholms universitets användare. * When you click on the link you will arrive at the Brepolis page. Click on "enter databases" and select the appropriate one.

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Library & Information Science Collection

This collection combines Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), the leading index for library science, with full-text for many titles. Subject coverage includes all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval, and more. It covers titles from many different countries and in more than 20 languages.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Library of Latin texts : CLCLT *

CLCLT contains texts from the beginning of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 BC) through to the texts of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). It covers all the works from the classical period, the most important patristic works, a very extensive corpus of Medieval Latin literature as well as works of recentior latinitas. The complete works of writers such as Cicero, Virgil, Augustine, Jerome, Gregory the Great, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas a Kempis can thus be consulted. The texts have been taken from the Corpus Christianorum series and from many other leading editions--Publisher's website.

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Library, information science & technology abstracts

Databas med referenser till artiklar från mer än 500 tidskrifter inom området bibliotek, katalogisering, klassifikation, bibliometri, informationssökning, kunskapsorganisation, biblioteksorganisation med mera. Artiklar från mitten av 1960-talet och framåt. Tillgänglig via EBSCOhost. Möjlighet att samsöka andra databaser från EBSCOhost, t ex Academic Search Premier, Eric och Historical Abstracts.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Libris webbsök

LIBRIS är en nationell söktjänst med information om titlar på svenska universitets-, högskole- och forskningsbibliotek samt ett tjugotal folkbibliotek. Här finns böcker, tidskrifter, artiklar, kartor, affischer, noter, elektroniskt publicerat material m.m.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Linguistics and language behavior abstracts

The database covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage is also given to various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics. Dates of coverage: 1973- current

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Linguistics Collection

This collection combines Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA). It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Loeb Classical Library

Digital Loeb Classical Library is an interconnected, fully searchable, perpetually growing, virtual library of Greek and Latin literature. More than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts are available in a modern interface, allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content.

Terms of use, allowed:


Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Lovdata *

Lovdata innehåller de norska rättskällorna i fulltext, fullständiga EES-avtalen i norsk översättning, EFTA-domstolens avgöranden, CELEX m.m. Lovdatasystemet omfattar mer än 80 databaser med regelverk, lagförarbeten, rättsavgörelser, uttalanden och beslut från nämnder och råd samt bibliografiska databaser och en fulltextdatabas med juridisk litteratur.


A central reference book for mathematical didatics, in german.

Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965

Digital archive of the papers, market research reports and supporting documents of Ernest Dichter, consumer analyst and founder of the Institute for Motivational Research. Covers many famous marketing campaigns for American brands and products.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Martinus Nijhoff Online

E-book collections from Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Brill). Nijhoff's portfolio focuses on areas in Public International Law, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and on International Relations. Stockholm University Library has access to the following collections: International law 2007-2011, Human rights and humanitarian law 2007-2011.

Mass observation online

This resource includes essays on British social history collected between 1937 and 1972 during a project called the Mass Observation. The archives also include photographs, file reports, diaries, day surveys and links to other sites. Topic collections include: Film, reading habits, dreams, religion, victory celebrations, capital punishment, smoking habits, drinking habits, gambling, posters, Britain Can Make it Exhibition 1946, reconstruction, family planning, sexual behaviour, Beveridge social surveys, music, dancing and jazz, propaganda and morale, conscientious objection and pacifism, holidays, newspaper reading, anti-semitism, industry, leisure and sport.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Materials Science Database

This database provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


MathSciNet via EBSCO
MathSciNet via AMS

Journals, conference proceedings, books of mathematics research. 1940-

Terms of use, allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL) (Copies of indiviual reviews from Mathematical Reviews)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Max Planck encyclopedia of public international law : (MPEPIL)

This is a fully updated online edition of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law published in print between 1991 and 2001 under the general editorship of Rudolf Bernhardt

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non Commercial libraries), TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing


Mediearkivet är Nordens största digitala nyhetsarkiv innehållande tryckta dagstidningar, tidskrifter och affärspress. I Mediearkivet kan du söka artiklar på ett och samma ställe från alla stora dagstidningar, landsortstidningar och hundratals tidskrifter.


MEDLINE provides information on medicine,nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations from over 4,800 current biomedical journals.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Merriam Webster Dictionary

Gratisversionen av International Dictionary från Merriam-Webster. Sökbara är också Thesaurus, Medical dictionary och spansk-engelsk ordbok. Ordförklaringar kan sökas genom att ange ett sökord eller genom att klicka sig fram i en alfabetisk lista.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Meteorological & geoastrophysical abstracts

Summaries from journal titles, as well as conference proceedings, books, technical reports and other monographs, are included. Includes links to full-text articles in electronic journals. Coverage: 1974-current.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Middle East & Africa Database

This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Middle Eastern and African countries.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Military Database

The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

MLA international bibliography

New interface February 4th. Please note that Custom Folders will not be available after that date.

Provides searchable access to more than two million bibliographic citations to journal articles, books, dissertations, and scholarly Web sites. It indexes materials from 1926 to the present in academic disciplines such as language, literature, folklore, linguistics, literary theory and criticism, and the dramatic arts. Coverage includes literature from all over the world. The MLA currently indexes more than 66,000 new items each year. Incorporates the MLA thesaurus or subject guide (a searchable listing of subject terms used in indexing materials). Use the Subject Guide Search to obtain highly precise results.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Monumenta Germaniae Historica *

Without doubt one of the most prestigious editorial undertakings for the critical publication of medieval historical texts.
In more than 300 volumes, covering the widest possible range of historical documents, divided into five major Series (Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae and Antiquitates) and into 33 Subseries, the Monumenta not only continues its editorial programme but it has established for all Western scholarship a standard for critical editions.

* Click on "enter databases" and select the preferred one.

Morningstar direct *

Research platform that unites global investment data and content with tools for highly customized investment analysis. Includes investment data on U.S. open-end mutual funds, separate accounts, and variable annuity investments. Data is also available on European mutual funds, including offshore funds. In addition, data is provided on hedge funds and hedge funds of funds.

2022-05-20 Morningstar is no longer distributing the market data contracted from the Moscow Exchange, including no longer producing company-levels metrics that use pricing data as inputs from that exchange.


Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Other (Limitations in sharing of Product Output.), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

*Password required, please contact biblioteket.sub[@] for more information.

National Buerau of Economic Research (NBER)

New research by NBER affiliates, circulated prior to peer review for discussion and comment. NBER Working Papers may not offer policy recommendations or normative judgments about policies, but may report analytic results on the effects of policies. The NBER distributes more than 1,200 Working Papers each year.

Nationell arkivdatabas

Sökbar förteckning över ca 150 000 svenska arkiv, och vilka institutioner som förvarar dem, bl.a. Riksarkivet, landsarkiven, Krigsarkivet, flera stadsarkiv, museer, folkrörelsearkiv och universitetsbibliotek. Dessutom kan man söka i en topografisk databas, läsa om den administrativa bakgrunden till arkiven och få uppgifter om arkivens adress och tillgänglighet.

Nationalencyklopedin är ett uppslagsverk på vetenskaplig grund utarbetat på initiativ av Sveriges riksdag och på uppdrag av Statens kulturråd. är i första hand en stor kunskapsdatabas som innehåller Nationalencyklopedins 20 band, de tre supplementbanden (utgivna våren 2000) samt Norstedts ordböcker (bl a Danska, Engelska, Franska, Italienska, Norska, Portugisiska, Ryska, Spanska och Tyska).

Networked digital library of theses and dissertations

Presents a collection of electronic theses and dissertations. Features the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations. This website contains also information about the initiative, how to set up Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) programmes, how to create and locate ETDs, and current research in digital libraries related to NDLTD and ETDs. Links to related projects and related initiatives.

New Pauly online

The New Pauly is intended as an aid for the study of Greek and Roman culture and its multifaceted presence in all periods of European and, since the Early Modern period, world history. Screen displays are primarily in English, with some also available in German. The encyclopedia itself includes the original German work and its English translation. Stockholm University provides access to Brill's New Pauly, Der Neue Pauly and New Pauly Supplements I (Volume 1: Chronologies of the Ancient World - Names, Dates and Dynasties. Volume 2: Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts. Volume 3: Historical Atlas of the Ancient World. Volume 4: The Reception of Myth and Mythology. Volume 5: Reception of Classical Literature. Volume 6: History of Classical Scholarship - A Biographical Dictionary).

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni delivers unmatched depth and quality when it comes to content. With more than 15,000 news, legal and business sources, Nexis Uni helps students find credible sources including: Print and online journals, television and radio broadcasts, newswires and blogs; Local, regional, national and international newspapers with deep archives; Extensive legal sources for federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790; Unparalleled business information on more than 80 million U.S. and international companies and more than 75 million executives.--Publisher's information.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Nietzsche Online

Nietzsche Online provides access to the editions, interpretations and reference works on Friedrich Nietzsche.

Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers

Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides access to primary source newspaper content from the 19th century, featuring full-text content and images from numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S. The collection encompasses the entire 19th century, with an emphasis on such topics as the American Civil War, African-American culture and history, Western migration and Antebellum-era life, among other subjects.

Nineteenth century UK periodicals

This database contains contains 2.1 million pages of periodicals published in Great Britain from 1800-1900. It includes publications on all aspects of the 19th century life including literature and culture, empire, feminism, the history of the book, the creative and performing arts, sport and leisure, science and medicine, the professions. 19th Century UK Periodicals provides full-text, fully searchable access to hundreds of magazines and journals with full color, high quality digital facsimiles of all articles and currently provides a wide range of subject content, consisting of Part I: New Readerships: Women's, Children's, Humour and Leisure/Sport and Part II: Empire: Travel and Anthropology, Economics, Missionary & Colonial. Title lists are available on the Gale site.

Norwegian register of scientific journals, series and publishers : NSD

The Norwegian register of scientific journals, series and publishers is a database containing ranked publication channels, important for the weighted funding model used in Norway.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Nursing & Allied Health Database

This database offers reliable, comprehensive coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health including journals, video, dissertations, reference books and more.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


OAIster is a union catalog of millions of records representing open access resources that was built by harvesting from open access collections worldwide using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

OAPEN library

OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a collaborative initiative to develop and implement a sustainable Open Access publication model for academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The OAPEN Library aims to improve the visibility and usability of high quality academic research by aggregating peer reviewed Open Access publications from across Europe.

Oceanic abstracts

This database is focused exclusively on worldwide technical literature pertaining to the marine and brackish-water environment. It focuses on marine biology and physical oceanography, fisheries, aquaculture, non-living resources, meteorology and geology, plus environmental, technological, and legislative topics.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

OECD iLibrary

OECD iLibrary is OECD's Online Library for Books, Papers and Statistics and the gateway to OECD's analysis and data. It replaces SourceOECD... OECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International Transport Forum (ITF) since 1998.

OECD iLibrary : statistics

Access to OECD Statistical Databases, with coverage including different themes such as agriculture and fisheries, development, economic projections, education and training, energy, environment, finance, globalization, health, national accounts, productivity, regional statistics, social and welfare, etc., for all OECD countries and selected non-member countries. Country Statistical Profiles. Access to key tables by country statistical profiles, includes a wide range of indicators on economy, education, energy, environment, foreign aid, health, information and communication, labor, migration, R&D, trade and society.

Online Egyptological bibliography : OEB

This database is a searchable online version of the print Annual Egyptological bibliography, combined with the Bibliographie Altägypten (BA). It provides coverage of Egyptological literature from 1822 to 2002 (roughly 70,000 items), as well as partial coverage of 2003-2009. Chiefly in English, some French or German.

Open book publishers

Open Book Publishers (OBP) is a non-profit organisation established by academics to publish peer-reviewed open access monographs in all disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Stockholm University is a member of the Open Book Publishers' Library Membership Scheme which offers staff and students full access to the various formatted digital editions, as well as a discounted price for any printed edition of an OBP title purchased from the OBP website.

Openedition :, calenda,

OpenEdition is the umbrella portal for OpenEdition Books,, Hypotheses and Calenda, four platforms dedicated to electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences.

Terms of use, allowed:


Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Orbis* : company information across the globe

Orbis contains comprehensive information on companies worldwide. You can use it to research individual companies, search for companies by profile and create your own analysis.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* You may use Orbis data for/in publications and refer to Orbis as a source but it is not permitted to download data for reproducibility purposes.

Oxford Academic Books

The full texts of Oxford online monographs and Oxford Handbooks in the core areas of Biology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Political Science, Religion, Social Work and Sociology.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Oxford Academic Journals

Oxford Academic contains over 230 academic and research journals from science, technical, professional, medical, humanities, arts and social science disciplines.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena (Fulltexts has to be deleted at the end of the semester.), Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non comersial libraries), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Oxford art online

Full text of Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Vi har inte tillgång till Benezit Dictionary of Artists.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non Commercial libraries), TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Oxford bibliographies

Bibliographies of topics in Anthropology, Atlantic History, Cinema Studies, Classics, Criminology, Education, Islamic Studies, International Law, International Relations, Linguistics, Management Studies, Medieval Studies, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Victorian Studies. With introductions to each topic area, and including guides to introductory works, textbooks, guidebooks, journals, reference works etc., and links to useful websites. Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on specific topics in a growing range of subject areas. There are at least 50 specific topical bibliographies in each subject area. Each of these features an introduction to the topic. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable. Contains a "My OBO" function that allows users to create personalized bibliographies of individual citations from different bibliographies.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non comersial libraries), TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Oxford dictionaries : Arabic

Oxford Dictionaries Arabic is an online dictionary of Modern Standard Arabic and English. The dictionary focuses on language as it is used today. Based on the unparalleled Oxford Arabic Dictionary, regular content updates ensure that Oxford Dictionaries Arabic remains up-to-date.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non comersial libraries), TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Oxford English dictionary

A guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non Commercial libraries), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Oxford music online

Full text of Grove Music Online, Encyclopedia of Popular Music (Colin Larkin), The Oxford Companion to Music and The Oxford Dictionary of Music.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non Commercial libraries), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Oxford Public International Law

A collection of legal resources covering international law jurisprudence. All reported decisions have a headnote, the full text of the decision, and are linked to the Oxford Law Citator. Includes expert commentary, full texts of judgments in their original language and translations of key passages of non-English judgments into English.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non Commercial libraries), TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Oxford reference

Contains over 100 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non Commercial libraries), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Oxford Text Archive

A repository of full-text literary and linguistic resources from the Bodleian Libraries. Thousands of texts in more than 25 languages.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena (See each title for more information)

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Patrologia Latina

The Patrologia Latina Database is an electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina, published between 1844 and 1855, and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862 and 1865. The Patrologia Latina comprises the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. The database contains the complete Patrologia Latina, including all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indexes. Migne's column numbers, essential references for scholars, are included.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

PhilPapers : philosophical research online

PhilPapers is a comprehensive directory of online philosophy articles and books by academic philosophers. Journals in many areas of philosophy are monitored, as well as archives and personal pages. Also includes PhilEvents, a comprehensive calendar of events in philosophy worldwide, and PhilJobs, which covers jobs in philosophy of all types from all over the world.

Physical review online archive : PROLA

Contains nearly complete electronic copies of Physical review journals from 1893.

Picture Post historical archive, 1938-1957

The complete archive of the Picture Post from its first issue in 1938 to its last in 1957 - all digitized from originals in full colour.

Politics Collection

This collection provides access to renowned databases such as PAIS and WPSA, covering the international literature in political science and public administration/policy, along with related fields. Together, they provide abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, country reports, dissertations, think-tank reports, working papers, government documents and more, including full-text from many leading political science and international relations journals.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Popular culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975 : rock and roll, counterculture, peace and protest

Contains original archival materials about popular culture in the U.S. and U.K. from 1950 to 1975. Among topics covered are Changing Lifestyles, 1950-1975, Youth Culture, Student Protests, Mai '68, Popular Culture (TV, Music, Movies), Civil Rights (Women's Liberation, Minority Groups), the Space Race, Consumerism, Vietnam War, and Nuclear Disarmament.

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Pravda digital Archive

Pravda (Truth) was the official voice of Soviet communism and the Central Committee of the Communist Party between 1918 and 1991.  Founded in 1912 in St. Petersburg, Pravda originated as an underground daily workers’ newspaper and was subjected to constant persecution, fines, penalties, and prohibitions by the government. To avoid censorship and forced closures, the name of the newspaper changed multiple times during its early years. Before long, however, Pravda became the main newspaper of the revolutionary wing of the Russian socialist movement and when the Bolsheviks seized power during the October Revolution in 1917, it became the official publication of the Soviet Communist Party.

Throughout the Soviet era, party members were obligated to read Pravda. The paper’s primary role was to deliver the official line of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Pravda remained the official voice of Soviet communism up until 1991, when Boris Yeltsin signed a decree closing Pravda down. After the collapse of the USSR, nationalist and communist journalists intermittently published a print newspaper and an online newspaper under the name Pravda. Today, Pravda remains the official organ of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, an important political faction in contemporary Russian politics.

Publication of Pravda was completely suspended in 1915 and 1916, and no issues were produced. The lack of content for this period is not a gap, but reflects the newspaper’s publication schedule during these years.

Project MUSE : scholarly journals online

Provides access to journals published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Disciplines covered are humanities, social sciences, and mathematics. A brief bibliographic description of each title is given.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

ProQuest Central

ProQuest Central provides cross-searchable access to a range of databases in various subject areas. Stockholm University Library has access to the following databases in ProQuest platform: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, Criminal Justice Database, Ebook central, ERIC, Education Database, The Harper's Bazaar Archive, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), International bibliography of art (IBA), Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA), Library Science Database, Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts, PILOTS, Political Science Database, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I, ProQuest One Buisness, PTSD Pubs, Social Services Abstracts, Social Science Database, Sociological Abstracts, Sociology Database

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

ProQuest dissertations & theses

This database is a comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1861 to the present day.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

ProQuest Publicly Available Content Database

Designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv as well as open access journals. Content includes journal articles, pre-prints, books, conference papers and reports.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

ProQuest Research Library

ProQuest Research Library provides access to thousands of full-text periodicals. Search from a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and magazines covering over 150 subjects and topics.


Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


PsycARTICLES is a source of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. It contains more than 153,000 articles from nearly 80 journals. Covers general psychology and specialized basic, applied, clinical, and theoretical research in psychology in areas including animal behavior, cognition, memory, neuroscience, perception, physiological psychology, psycholinguistics, psychometrics, social and personality psychology. Coverage spans 1894 to present.


A searchable, full text database of books published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and other publishers. Includes most scholarly titles published by APA from copyright years 1953-2005. Also includes 100 out-of-print books and more than 400 classic books of landmark historical impact in psychology, and entries from the APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology. PsycBOOKS is indexed with controlled vocabulary from APA's Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms.


PsycCritiques includes a searchable database of more than 38,000 reviews, dating back to 1956, plus tables of contents for recent weekly releases. More than 900 reviews are published annually. Note: PsycCRITIQUES ended publication in December 2017.

Psychology Database

This database provides abstracts and indexing for key Psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Many titles are indexed in PsycINFO. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


PsycINFO (the extended version of PsycLit) covers international literature in psychology, as well as psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law. Although the references themselves are all written in English, the covered literature includes material published in over 45 countries and written in more than 30 languages


Database of streaming psychotherapy demonstrations featuring some of the most renowned therapists in North America working with participants on a host of therapeutic topics. Allows viewers to go straight to the heart of clinical practice with demonstrations of psychotherapy as it is done by today's leading practitioners. Resource for teaching and training in psychotherapy practice and for education about psychology.


The PILOTS bibliographic database, covering the Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress, is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Its provides citations and abstracts to the international literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Public Health Database

This database allows you to search the core literature in the field of public health.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


PubMed comprises over 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences. PubMed also provides access to additional relevant Web sites and links to the other NCBI molecular biology resources. PubMed is a free resource that is developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In PubMed - check for full text via the "Access Options" button.

Terms of use, allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please see

Quran concordance

The Qur?an Concordance is a unique finding aid which allows users to identify and localize text fragments, or even snippets, of the Quran. The use of the Quran Concordance (QC) requires some understanding of its underlying concepts, as described in the How-to-document.


The RAPID database contains all the Press Releases of the Commission since 1985, the great majority of them in at least two languages. It also contains Press Releases of some of the other European institutions, particularly the Council of the Union. Press releases of the Commission are available in at least English and French (the working languages of the Commission Press Room), while many of the Press Releases are available in all EC languages.

Redalyc : Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal

Redalyc is a scientific information system made up by the leading scholarly journals of all the knowledge areas edited in and about Latin America and Caribbean countries.

Regeringskansliet : Publikationer

Databas för rättsinformationsdokument, informationsmaterial och andra dokument i fulltext. Här publiceras bland annat SOU (Statens offentliga utredningar) 1994-, Ds (Departementsserien) 1995-, lagrådsremisser samt SÖ (Sveriges internationella överenskommelser). Observera att förteckningarna inte är helt kompletta.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Regional business news

Provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications including journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Religion Database

Religion Database provides a wide range of primarily full-text periodicals and other sources for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many worldwide religions. 

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Religion Past and Present

Religion Past and Present (RPP) Online is the online version of the updated English translation of the 4th edition of Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG). Including the latest developments in research, Religion Past and Present Online encompasses a vast range of subjects connected with religion.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Religionsresan *

Läromedel på svenskt teckenspråk om världsreligionerna inklusive fornnordisk och äldre samisk religion. Det finns även lärarhandledningar på webbplatsen. På huvudsidan kan du klicka på ”Lärarhandledningar” där alla handledningar finns samlade på samma sida. Lärarhandledningarna finns även på andra sidor och ni kommer åt dem genom att klicka på ett ”i”.

* Password needed, please contact biblioteket[@]

RePEc : research papers in economics

RePEc is a central index of economics research, including working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components. It is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 75 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The collected data is then used in various services as EconPapers, IDEAS and other.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Research Professional

Research professional is a database with current calls for research funding from all over the world. You can create your own account with personalised searches and get notified by email alerts when new opportunities are available.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

RIPM retrospective index to music periodicals with fulltext

RIPM (short for: Répertoire international de la presse musicale) is an effort by scholars of musicology worldwide to index the literature of music in the 19th century to the mid-20.

Royal Society journals

Leading international journals from the Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science. Titles cover the whole of the biological and physical sciences, and include Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the world's first science journal.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

RSC publishing

This platform provides access to journals, books and databases from RSC Publishing, scientific publisher of biology, biophysics, chemical science, materials, medicinal drug discovery and physics high-impact books and journals.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

SAGE journals online

SAGE Journals Online includes more than 645 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 280 are published on behalf of 245 learned societies and institutions. Royal Society of Medicine Journals are searchable on the SAGE platform.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

SAGE knowledge

A database of ebooks and reference books published by SAGE covering social sciences and education. It contains SAGE eReference content, formerly available in the SAGE reference online database, as well as other SAGE eBooks, including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, etc.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

SAGE navigator

SAGE Navigator is the social sciences literature review tool. Based on SAGE's print Major Works, you will find an overview of 300 topics written by internationally renowned academics, a list of recommended literature and an interactive chronology of research. SAGE Navigator is hosted on SAGE Knowledge.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

SAGE Research Methods Cases

SAGE Research Methods Cases is a collection of case studies of real social research that faculty can use in their teaching. Cases are original, specially commissioned, and designed to help students understand often abstract methodological concepts by introducing them to case studies of real research projects. Available as an add-on to SAGE Research Methods or as a stand-alone product, SRMC includes original case studies of real research projects and research scenarios written by the researchers themselves. No research project exists on paper or in a vacuum, and these case studies complement students' theoretical understanding (or lack of) by exploring the difficulties, nuances and real-life decisions that researchers are forced to make. Access notes: Stockholm University Library subscribes to SAGE Research Methods Cases 1 and SAGE Research Methods Cases 2.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

SAGE Research Methods Foundations

SAGE Research Methods Foundations is a comprehensive reference resource on all aspects of research methods and the research process. Choose from hundreds of entries written by a renowned international roster of methods experts, each of which runs between 500 and 10,000 words. These bite-sized entries can help less experienced researchers get to the heart of the concept before they dig deeper in other books or journal articles.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

SAGE Research Methods Video

SAGE Research Methods Video includes hours of tutorials, interviews, video case studies, and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research

The Diversifying and Decolonizing Research collection is dedicated to supporting users in conducting research that is both critical and inclusive by showcasing a diverse range of experiences and approaches from marginalized, underrepresented, underserved, and vulnerable communities, as well as decolonial perspectives that challenge traditional research paradigms. The collection includes case studies
showcasing research conducted according to decolonial principles and a video library including Indigenous and underrepresented researchers, methods and themes. In the collection you can also get hands-on experience of critically appraising datasets and
their structure, identifying bias, and learn to analyze data using
Indigenous methodologies.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

SAGE SRM Books & Reference *

SAGE Research Methods Books & Reference is a research tool supported by a newly devised taxonomy that links content and methods terms. It provides the most comprehensive picture available today of research methods (quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods) across the social and behavioural sciences. It includes more than 100,000 pages of SAGE book and reference material on research methods as well as editorially selected material from SAGE journals. In addition, SRMO contains content from more than 600 books, including the complete Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences Little Green Books series from SAGE. Stockholm University subscribes to SAGE Research Methods and SAGE Research Methods Cases.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

SAO/NASA astrophysics data system

The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System is a digital library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. The ADS maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 8.7 million records: Astronomy and Astrophysics; Physics; and arXiv e-prints. It covers journal articles, conference papers, technical reports, books and chapters.

Science citation index expanded

Science Citation Index Expanded is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the sciences. It fully indexes over 6,650 major journals across 150 scientific disciplines and includes all cited references captured from indexed articles.

Science Database

This database is a resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. With coverage features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text. 

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


ScienceDirect offers journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books. There are currently more than 9.5 million articles/chapters, a content base that is growing at a rate of almost 0.5 million additions per year.

SciFinder *

SciFinder provides access to several Chemical Abstracts Service databases, including Chemical Abstracts, Registry, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, and CHEMCAT. Users may search more than 27 million citations to the chemistry literature by topic, author, CAS Registry Numbers, patent number, and CAS abstract number. More than 33 million chemical substances may be searched by chemical name, chemical structure, CAS Registry Numbers, and formula. Users can also do substructure searching.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* Password needed, please contact biblioteket[@] with your name, email address and department.


Scopus is an abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. With over 19,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers, Scopus offers research in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and, more recently, also in the arts and humanities.

Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection

Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection contains the digitised versions of the content of the Reverend Charles Burney collection held at the British Library. The newspapers and news pamphlets gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817) represent the largest single collection of 17th and 18th century English news media. The 700 or so bound volumes of newspapers and news pamphlets were published mostly in London, however there are also some English provincial, Irish and Scottish papers, and a few examples from the American colonies, Europe and India.


SHERPA/RoMEO is a searchable database of publisher's policies regarding the self- archiving of journal articles on the web and in Open Access repositories.

SIS standarder

Plattform för standarder från SIS, ISO och IEC.

Klicka på den röda rutan "SIS abonnemang" så ser du vilka standarder vi har åtkomst till.  I sökrutan kan du även söka efter andra standarder. 

Lämna inköpsförslag på standard: klicka på kontaktperson under Administratörer.


Sketch Engine

Sketch Engine is a tool to explore how language works. Its algorithms analyze authentic texts of billions of words (text corpora) to identify instantly what is typical in language and what is rare, unusual or emerging usage. It is also designed for text analysis or text mining applications. Sketch Engine contains 500 ready-to-use corpora in 90+ languages, each having a size of up to 30 billion words to provide a truly representative sample of language.

* Click on INSTITUTIONAL LOGIN, pick your university from the list, log in via your university login details and select NEW ACCOUNT (if asked).

Social Science Database

Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Social Science Premium Collection

This collection provides access to databases covering international literature in social sciences, including politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education. Featured databases include Social Science Database, IBSS, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and more

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Social sciences citation index : SSCI

ISI Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) is a major international database for all social sciences. Every article has details on cited authors and works, making it possible to search for a cited author. Also included are relevant articles from more than 3,300 science journals

Social services abstracts

Abstracts and indexes of over 1,500 serials publications, including abstracts of journal articles, dissertations, and citations to book reviews. 1980-

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Sociological Abstracts

Indexes and abstracts articles in the fields of sociology, anthropology, criminology, demography, education, law and penology, race relations, social psychology, and urban studies. Coverage also includes policy issues in areas such as aging, violence, abuse and neglect, crisis intervention, urban development, and development policy.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Sociology Collection

This collection provides access to Sociological Abstracts in combination with other databases covering the international literature in sociology and social services, along with related fields.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Sociology source ultimate

New interface February 4th. Please note that Custom Folders will not be available after that date.

This expanded version of SocIndex, provides comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. These include abortion, criminology and criminal justice, demography, ethnic and racial studies, gender studies, marriage and family, political sociology, religion, rural and urban sociology, social development, social psychology, social structure, social work, socio-cultural anthropology, sociological history, sociological research, sociological theory, substance abuse and other addictions, violence and many others.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Springer Nature Experiments

A tool to help researchers discover the most relevant protocols and methods. It brings together content from SpringerProtocols, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols and Protocol Exchange.

SU subscribes to Springer protocols. Springer Protocols is a database of reproducible laboratory protocols in the life and biomedical sciences offering researchers access to nearly thirty years worth of time tested, easily reproducible, step-by-step protocols for immediate use in their lab. Includes protocols from the Humana Press series: Methods in molecular biology, Methods in molecular medicine, Methods in biotechnology, Methods in pharmacology and toxicology, and: Neuromethods.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)


SpringerLink offers over 3,350 peer reviewed eJournals, more than 220,000 eBooks and 45,000 Protocols.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining) ((

Terms of use, not allowed:

Other (Limitations may occur on older materials)


Statista is an online statistics portal. It provides access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions. According to the company, the platform has statistics on over 80,000 topics, covering Europe (with a focus on the United Kingdom), the United States and China, from more than 18,000 sources. Categorized into 21 market sectors, provides companies, business customers, research institutions, and the academic community with direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets. Data sources include market research reports as well as trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)


SveMed+ är en bibliografisk databas som innehåller referenser till artiklar från skandinaviska tidskrifter inom ämnesområdena medicin, odontologi, hälso- och sjukvård, arbetsterapi, omvårdnad och sjukgymnastik. Nästan hälften av de löpande tidskrifterna är expertgranskade. Länkar till fulltext förekommer.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Svensk folkbildningsbibliografi 1850-1950

Den retrospektiva ämnesbibliografin Svensk folkbildningsbibliografi (1850-1950) är en del av databasen Libris, och innehåller referenser till monografier och samlingsverk; artiklar i tidskrifter, samlingsverk och årsböcker. Bibliografin produceras av Linköpings universitetsbibliotek.

Svenska akademiens ordbok

Digital version av SAOB som beskriver svenskt skriftspråk från 1521 till våra dagar. I SAOB ges ordens betydelse, uttal, böjning och stavning samt kortfattad etymologi. Varje betydelse illustreras med ett antal språkprov.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Svenska dagstidningar *

Digitaliserade svenska dagstidningar. I söktjänsten ingår ett tiotal svenska dagstidningar i fulltext från publiceringsstarten fram tills idag och ytterligare drygt 300 tidningar ingår med artiklar från 2014 och framåt. Nya nummer läggs till löpande med en fördröjning på cirka tre månader.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena (See each title for more information), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* Material nyare än 115 år kan endast läsas vid särskild dator (Internet 6) i Frescatibiblioteket.

Svenskt biografiskt lexikon : SBL

Svenskt biografiskt lexikon (SBL) är ett personhistoriskt lexikon som började ges ut 1917. Lexikonet utgör en på förstahandskällor baserad generalinventering av betydelsefulla personer och deras gärningar under olika skeden av det svenska samhällets utveckling. SBL är en del av Riksarkivet och utgivningen finansieras med statliga anslag. Fram till år 2019 har 34 band publicerats. Varje band består av 800 sidor och hittills har över 9 000 släkt- och personartiklar publicerats på sammanlagt cirka 27 200 sidor, vilket gör SBL till ett av de största uppslagsverken i Norden. Den är ett utmärkt redskap för historiker, samhällsvetare, lärare, bibliotekarier, journalister, studenter, släkt- och hembygdsforskare med flera.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Svenskt översättarlexikon

Svenskt översättarlexikon är ett biobibliografiskt uppslagsverk med artiklar om svenska och finlandssvenska översättare från äldsta tid till idag. Databasen har utvecklats på Södertörns högskolebibliotek under medverkan av litteraturvetare, språkhistoriker, översättare och kritiker.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)


SwePub ger dig möjlighet att söka bland artiklar, konferensbidrag, avhandlingar m.m. som publicerats vid svenska lärosäten. Använd SwePub för att få en översikt av vad som skrivits inom ditt forskningsområde, få tag på fulltext, abstract och citeringar.

Terms of use, allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Sveriges äldsta storskaliga kartor : databasen GEORG

12 000 kartor över byar och gårdar från perioden 1630-1655. Du kan söka i materialet på olika sätt, via register eller via modern karta. Databasen GEORG har utarbetats inom projektet Nationalutgåvan av de äldre geometriska kartorna.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

S-WoBA : Scandinavian Working papers in business administration

S-WoBA acts as a clearing house and central repository for bibliographic data about nordic working papers in business administration. In most cases the working papers are also available in electronic form and can be downloaded from S-WoBA. By collecting information about many working papers in one place we create critical mass and are able to generate quite a lot of traffic and publicity for the scandinavian business administration profession, as can be seen from the statistics page. Getting your work into S-WoBA is the best way to get wide spread exposure for your research. S-WoBA started out in 1998 as a purely swedish project, initiated by the Stockholm School of Economics Library within its function of national resource library in economics. S-WoPEc is now being run with the support of the Economic Resarch Institute (EFI) at the Stockholm School of Economics. Since there has been a considerable interest from the other nordic countries, the scope was expanded in the beginning of 2001 and participation from all the nordic countries is now welcome. Scandinavian Working Papers in Business Administration is thus somewhat of a misnomer. It is really a nordic project, but this way we can keep the S-WoBA name of the site.

S-WoPEc : Scandinavian working papers in economics

S-WoPEc acts as a clearing house and central repository for bibliographic data about nordic working papers in economics. In most cases the working papers are also available in electronic form and can be downloaded from S-WoPEc. This site is part of RePEc, an effort to coordinate the dissemination of information about working papers in economics.

Taylor & Francis ebooks

Taylor & Francis eBooks is a platform hosting electronic books published by the Taylor & Francis Group (including Routledge, Psychology Press, CRC Press and Focal Press) in the areas of humanities, social sciences, behavioural sciences, built environment, STM and law. Stockholm University has full-text access to selected parts of the content.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena (Allowed add a link to the e-bok in Athena), Interlibrary loan (ILL), Other (Not allowed to e-mail content, even if you e-mail yourself.), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Taylor & Francis journals

Journals from the publisher Taylor & Francis. Stockholm University has full-text access to selected parts of the content.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Other (MOOC), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Teckenbro Läromedel

Vad slängde du?
SYNTOLKAD version av Vad slängde du?
Ser inte hör inte – hur fungerar vardagen då?
Ser inte hör inte - vem är jag då?
SYNTOLKAD version av Ser inte hör inte – vem är jag då?
Naturfenomen – Expedition: Vulkaner
Naturfenomen – Expedition: Jordbävning
Naturfenomen – Expedition: Himlafenomen
Naturfenomen – Expedition: Vind
Dövas skolliv i Örebro på 1900-talet
Hur sorterar du?

Här samlas de Läromedel som Teckenbro AB producerat. Samtliga läromedel är på svenskt teckenspråk och finns tillgängligt på svenskt tal och svensk undertext.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Telecommunications Database

This database includes over 140 titles, with more than 115 available in full text. Search more than 600,000 records, dating back to the early 1990's.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

The Dictionary of Old English: A to I

The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (C.E. 600-1150)

The Harper's Bazaar Archive

Searchable archive of every page, advertisement, and cover of every issue of Harper's Bazaar from its first appearance in 1867 to the current month.

The Index of Medieval Art

The collections include images and descriptive data related to the iconography of works of art produced between late Antiquity and the sixteenth century. Although the Index of Medieval Art was formerly known as the Index of Christian Art, it now includes secular subjects as well as a growing number of subjects from medieval Jewish and Islamic culture.

The international handbooks of museum studies

The International Handbooks of Museum Studies will be the definitive reference for anyone - student, scholar, librarian - working in museum studies and the allied fields of art history, anthropology, and American studies. Investigates with exceptional breadth and depth issues in museum theory, museum history, mediations in art, design, and architecture, museum practice, and the transformations and challenges confronting the museum as an institution and the museum community as a whole. Each volume contains a treasure trove of examples and case studies written by scholars from around the world including the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Merck manual : for health care professionals

An enhanced online version of the Merck Manuals, a series of healthcare books for medical professionals and consumers, including students, veterinarians and veterinary students. The Merck Manual is updated periodically with new information, and contains photographs, audio and video material not present in the print versions.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

The Telegraph historical archive, 1855-2000

Fully searchable archive of The Telegraph from its first issue in 1855 until the end of the year 2000.

The Times digital archive, Gale

Search the complete digital edition of The Times (London), to retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. The entire newspaper is captured, with all articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching.

The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive, 1910-2000, Gale

The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive contains every issue of TES from September 1910 until December 2000. It also include supplements, inserts, special issues, and pages from the Scottish and Irish editions. It gives scholars access to a searchable archive of more than 4,000 issues of TES, comprising over 250,000 pages and more than 1,000,000 articles.

The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive, 1902-2019, Gale

Trial period from 2025-01-20 to 2025-03-20

A leading forum for fine writing, literary discoveries, and insightful debate. The weekly review was founded in 1902 as a free supplement to The Times (London), and it became a separate publication in 1914. With contributors from every region of the world and coverage ranging from literature and criticism to history, science, politics, and art.

The Women's Wear Daily Archive

A comprehensive archive of Women's Wear Daily, from the first issue in 1910 to material from within the last twelve months, reproduced in high-resolution, full color images. Every page, article, advertisement and cover has been included, with searchable text and indexing.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Thesaurus linguae Graecae : a digital library of Greek literature *

Contains virtually all ancient Greek texts surviving from the period between Homer (8th century B.C.) and A.D. 600, and a large number of texts deriving from the period between A.D. 600 and 1453, in excess of 80 million words. Topics include Greek literature, history, and culture

* Password needed to use the full corpus, each user must register and create a TLG user profile.

Translation Studies Bibliography

The online Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB) is the result of a cooperation agreement between EST, CETRA, University of Leuven and John Benjamins Publishing Company. It is an annotated bibliography of the vast field of Translation and Interpreting Studies. The database is continuously updated and now contains over 34,500 annotated records. The bibliography is enhanced by a thesaurus and provides CrossRef DOIs, where available, for easier interlinking.

Terms of use, allowed:

Interlibrary loan (ILL)

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Trismegistos *

Trismegistos is a platform of the study of texts from the ancient world, particularly late period Egypt and the Nile valley (roughly BC 800 - 800 AD).

* One user at a time. Each user can use the database for two hours.

Turkey Database

This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Turkey.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

U.S. Newsstream

U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. 

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

UK & Ireland Database

This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

UN comtrade *

Annual international trade statistics, provided by over 130 countries, detailed by commodity and partner country to the United Nations, are stored in UN COMTRADE, a computerized data base system, all values are converted in US dollars and metric units, the coverage dates as far back as 1962.

* To access the database you need to register for a personal account. Register with your Stockholm University email address by clicking on login, select Sign up now and create an account.

UNILEX on CISG & UNIDROIT principles : international case law & bibliography.

UNILEX is an “intelligent” database of international case law and bibliography on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts - two of the most important international instruments for the regulation of international commercial transactions.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

The core legal body of the United Nations system in the field of international trade law. A legal body with universal membership specializing in commercial law reform worldwide for over 40 years. UNCITRAL's business is the modernization and harmonization of rules on international business -- About UNCITRAL. The site provides access to Commission documents, General Assembly Resolutions and related documents, colloquia materials, UNCITRAL texts and status, technical assistance and coordination, and case law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT).

United Nations treaty collection : Collection des traités des Nations unies

Contains all multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations and those formerly deposited with the League of Nations - their latest status and a link to the full texts. Bilateral and multilateral treaties registered with and published by the United Nations Secretariat in accordance with Article 102 up to a certain date - Detailed treaty references and full texts in all authentic language(s). From 1946 until today.


Uppsök är en söktjänst för examensarbeten och studentuppsatser i fulltext från svenska universitet och högskolor. De studentuppsatser och examensarbeten som ingår i databasen är elektroniskt publicerade i fulltext vid respektive lärosäte. För varje titel i databasen finns information med ett abstract samt en länk till fulltexten.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

UR access : för högskolor och universitet *

UR access är en tjänst som drygt 25 svenska lärosäten samverkar om. Tjänsten ger lärosätena tillgång till allt streamat material, radio- och TV-program, som Utbildningsradion tillhandahåller.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* Filmerna går inte att nå via Firefox.

Web of knowledge

Web of Knowledge is an academic citation indexing and search service that covers the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.

Web of science

Web of Science consists of databases containing information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals, books, book series, reports, and more, including data for many different academic disciplines.

Very short introductions Social Science/Politics

Launched by Oxford University Press in 1995, Oxford's Very Short Introductions series offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects in an easily discoverable, fully cross-searchable, and highly accessible format. We have access to most introductions in Social Sciences - Politics.

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL) (non Commercial libraries), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining) (There are limitations, please contact the library)

Westlaw Classic

A comprehensive full text database with British and American legislation and legal usage as well as a large number of legal English-language full text journals (circa 700), Legal Journals Index and Index to Legal Periodicals. You will also find EC-legislation and legal usage, international agreements, and legal documents from Australia, Hong Kong and Canada.

Wiley online library

Wiley Online Library covers life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers access to over 4 million articles from 1500 journals, almost 12,000 online books, and hundreds of reference works, databases, laboratory protocols and The Cochrane Library.

Vocabulary for the Study of Religion

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Vogue Archive

A searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images. Pages, advertisements, covers and fold-outs have been included, with rich indexing enabling researchers to find images by garment type, designer and brand names.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Women in the National Archives

This resource is comprised of two distinct elements: a finding aid to women's studies resources in the National Archives at Kew; and original documents on the suffrage question in Britain, the Empire and colonial territories. The finding aid brings together the results of a five year project by staff at Kew and enables researchers to quickly locate details of any document relating to women in the National Archives at Kew. It is far more detailed and extensive than anything available elsewhere on the web and has the benefit of ranging across all of the classes of material held at the National Archives. The original documents focus on the campaign for women's suffrage in Britain, 1903-1928, and the granting of women's suffrage in colonial territories, 1930-1962. Prominent suffragettes include Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, the Pankhursts, Emily Wilding Davison, Clara Giveen and Rachel Peace (alias Jane Short)

Terms of use, allowed:

Scholarly sharing

Terms of use, not allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Wordfinder Online *

Wordfinder är ett ordbokspaket som innehåller lexikon inom olika ämnen: språk, teknik, ekonomi, m.m. Utöver ordinarie innehåll finns även nederländska Van Dale.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena, Interlibrary loan (ILL), Scholarly sharing, TDM (Text and Data Mining)

* För att skapa ett konto måste du vara uppkopplad mot Stockholms universitets nätverk och använda en mejladress.

World Bank data

Portal to World Bank data covering over 2000 indicators now available for free to the public as a result of its Open Data initiative. A data catalog lists available World Bank data sources, including the databases World Development Indicators (WDI), Global Development Finance (GDF), Africa Development Indicators (ADI), and the Global Economic Monitor (GEM), and more.

Terms of use, allowed:

Athena (Unless specifically labeled otherwise), TDM (Text and Data Mining) (Unless specifically labeled otherwise)

World Christian Database

Trial period from 2025-01-02 to 2025-03-03

World Religion Database

Trial period from 2025-01-02 to 2025-03-03

World Treaty Library

A Large collection of world treaties  spanning from 1648 to the present. 


WorldCat is the world's largest bibliographic database; it is provided by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. on behalf of its member libraries. Millions of bibliographic records of any type of material cataloged by OCLC member libraries worldwide.

Terms of use, not allowed:

TDM (Text and Data Mining)

Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft Online

WSK Online is a dictionary e-resource covering all the major areas of linguistics and communication science. The dictionaries steer a course between semantic definition and comprehensive knowledge, combining the best of both approaches. The articles are in German (with English translations of the terms and definitions) or in English (with German translations of the terms and definitions).

Zivilrecht PREMIUM International Beck online

Zivilrecht PREMIUM International is a German (language) full text database, providing access to German legal resources.Users can search legal magazines, commentaries, legal codes of each state and court rulings. The database also contains statements and other forms on various areas of law.


Language: german.