Stockholm University Library

Mémoires du prince Adam Czartoryski et correspondance avec l'empereur Alexandre ler / préface de M. Ch. de Mazade

Location Item information
Frescatibiblioteket Magasin / Hyllplacering: SB 4752 Available 2 of 2 Order
Direct delivery*
Loan policy
  • Researcher at SU: 28 days
  • Others: No loan
  • Item status
  • Item 1: Available
  • Item 2: Available
* Direct delivery is only available for researchers and employees at Stockholm University.
Frescatibiblioteket Magasin / Hyllplacering: SB 4752
2 av 2

* Direct delivery is only available for researchers and employees at Stockholm University.

Item information
Loan policy
  • Researcher at SU: 28 days
  • Others: No loan
  • Item status
  • Ex. 1: Tillgänglig
  • Ex. 2: Tillgänglig