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Pedagogik som vetenskap : en inbjudan / Mattias Nilsson Sjöberg (red.).
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Item information
Frescatibiblioteket, Övre plan, Årssvit / Hyllplacering: 2019: 282
Available 0 of 1
Loan policy
Alumni: 28 days
Researcher at SU: 28 days
Others: 28 days
Student at SU: 28 days
Item status
Item 1: On loan until 2024-12-20 23:59:00
Frescatibiblioteket, Övre plan, Årssvit / Hyllplacering: 2019: 282
0 av 1
Item information
Loan policy
Alumni: 28 days
Researcher at SU: 28 days
Others: 28 days
Student at SU: 28 days
Item status
Ex. 1: Utlånad t.o.m. 2024-12-20 23:59:00